
Because my best friend and pigeon-partner, Carlos, passed away,

our pigeons were sold end 2020.

Just before I selected 24 super beautiful pigeons 2020 from the best breeders,

all blue ones, all with DNA.

- 10 of them are grandchildren of "King Gaby" = basiccock "A"

- 2 children of "1° Olympiad Ivanka"

- 3 children of "Enable"  = 1° Nat Argenton 

- 3 children of "Platina"  = 1°Prov/5°Nat Ace MD, etc ...

- 2 brothers of "Platina" =  1°Prov/5°Nat Ace MD, etc ...

These are my new breeders, with which I made a new start.

In 2021 I already bred from these young breeders : 

the 1°Prov/2°Nat Ace SMD KBDB,

and also the 5°Prov Ace GMD/11°Nat Ace Allround KBDB !!!

In 2022   I was 1° Prov Champion KBDB  SMD YB 1+2,

and 2 years in a row, I won the 1st Prov Ace SMD KBDB.

Kind regards,

Paul Gevaert



Don’t expect a large mass of pigeons from us.

In winter we only have only 15 couples of breeders, this means only 30 pigeons.

We stay hobbyists, at our age in the first place it must be pleasant.



Dear Pigeonfancier,


We wish to profile us as the specialist on the races between 300 and 600 km.


Our strain is built around the most worldfamous pigeon in the last thirty years, namely around the "Bliksem" BE98-3158062 of Gaby Vandenabeele. Therefor, we purchaged four pigeons, closely

related with this  legendary pigeon : our "King Gaby" BE07-3034700,  our "Bliksem CEO" BE04-3230979, our "Bliksem Rik BE11-3123594, and  our "Bliksem  Gaby" BE12-3127548.



The inserted bloodlines of  GABY VANDENABEELE Dentergem :

           ° DIRECTLY :

                    - "KING GABY" BE07-3034700 son from "King" x "Mona". He is the father of our

                       "Crayonne Plastron" BE10-4275421 (= 2°Nat/1°Prov Acep. KBDB MD ),

                        and our "Prince 26" BE15-4146026 (=6°Nat/5°Prov.Acep. Heavy MD KBDB),

                        and also from our "Princess 95" BE15-4146095 (= 7 x 1°//1° Prov Acepigeon

                        Yrl KBDB 2016).

                        Is grandfather to "Ivanka" BE16-4070112 = 1°Belgian Olympiad pigeon Poznan MD'19 

                    - "BLIKSEM GABY" BE12-3127548.   He is father to  6 x 1°.

                       Also son of the "Rudy" BE06-3008003, just like "New Bliksem" BE13-3056024 who 

                       was sold for 376.000 euro at G.VDAB.                  

                    - "BLIKSEM CEO" BE04-3230979 son from Gaby's world famous

                       "Bliksem" BE98-3158062 (= father "Rudy"). 

                       "Bliksem CEO" is father of our 1° Prov / 8° Nat  Argenton Old Birds

                        and father of our 1° Nat Zone Chateauroux Old Birds, ...   

                    - "DUC GABY" BE12-3127568, from "Rambo II", these is the father of our 

                        1° Prov Bourges, ...

                    - "GABYTJE" BE06-3199322 (= 8° Nat. Bourges) from "Tsaar" Vandenabeele. 

                        Is moth. our 1° Prov/4°Nat Gueret & 1° Prov/6°Nat Argenton, ... 

                        Her daughter is the grandmother of our 1°Nat winner on Argenton '19.                   

            ° by BDS TEAM-Dr.Piet Blancke : our basichen "A" : "Chateauke" BE05-3202164

                        is mother of our Nat 2°,3°,8°,8°,9°, ... She is also offspring to "Bliksem".        




If you have good results with our pigeons, You do us a great favor by report

this to us.

We wish you a lot of pleasure in reading our website,

Kind Regards,

Paul Gevaert 

GEVAERT - LANNOO: Meulebroeckstraat / 9800 Deinze-Meigem / Gsm +32 476 257 981 / mail gevaert.lannoo@telenet.be